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The scholar and mystic Lucy Menzies is commemorated in the Calendar of the Scottish Episcopal Church on 24th November.  Following her service as Warden of the retreat house at Pleshey, Lucy took up residence in St Andrews (where her father had been Professor of Biblical Criticism at the University).  The recipient of the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Divinity, a portrait of Lucy was commissioned recently and now hangs in the Hall of St Mary’s College, the School of Divinity at St Andrews.

The site of Lucy’s burial in the Eastern Cemetery by St Andrews Cathedral has not been obviously marked for many years.  Following some investigation, Lucy’s grave (adjacent to that of her parents) was identified and the fallen headstone (featuring a fine Celtic cross and Arts and Crafts-style carvings) has been restored to an upright position over her grave. To mark the occasion, a small party of descendants of Lucy Menzies, along with members of the congregation of All Saints’ Church, where she prayed, gathered at the graveside on Saturday 14th May 2022.  Prayers were led by the Rev’d Canon Dr Alasdair Coles, Rector of All Saints’.  Flowers were laid by Margaret Honey, first cousin of Lucy Menzies.

Attendees then proceeded to Mass at All Saints’ Church, prior to a Reception in St Mary’s College at which speeches were made by Peter Smaill (cousin of Lucy) and Professor Judith Wolfe.



  1. Portrait of Lucy Menzies with members of her family
  2. Lucy Menzies headstone with clergy from All Saints’, St Andrews