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bishop-in-statesThe Most Rev David Chillingworth, Bishop of St Andrews Dunkeld & Dunblane and Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church is this week attending the Diocesan Convention of the Diocese of Ohio, by invitation from the Bishop the Rt Rev Mark Hollingsworth. This is the beginning of the bicentennial year of the diocese and represents a new beginning in outreach and mission for them and also a focus on the link with Samuel Seabury. Bishop David preached at the Convention Eucharist, which can be read here. He also took part in a session for delegates on the Anglican Communion – sharing this with the Rev Gay Jennings, President of the House of Deputies of the General Convention of the Episcopal Church. You can read what Bishop David said at the Convention here.

Bishop David then travelled to New York to meet with the Most Rev Michael Currie, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, and the Most Rev Fred Hiltz, Primate of the Church of Canada. This meeting is part of ongoing discussions about the place of the Scottish Episcopal Church in the Anglican Communion in the midst of the current issues around human sexuality and the evolving story of the Anglican Communion.

Bishop David will conclude his US meetings with a visit to Virginia Theological Seminary, just south of Washington.  The aim of the visit is to inaugurate a relationship between the Scottish Episcopal Institute and Virginia Theological Seminary, with the intention that students from Scotland would be provided with opportunities for exchange visits.

Bishop David says “This is a visit which is very much about the historic strength of the relationship between the Scottish Episcopal Church and the Episcopal Church in the United States. That relationship is rooted in our shared history and is also very much visible in our culture and our values.”