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The Diocese of St Andrews will be hosting a tent again at the Scottish Game Fair on Saturday.

It is a place where people are welcome to drop in, to take the weight off their feet, shelter from the rain, have a chat and contribute to our ’Trees for Life’ project.

We are bringing bare branches to tie round the inside of the tent, which we want to transform into living branches, by sticking on paper blossom and paper leaves.  We’re doing that as a way of remembering people who suffer from mental ill-health in our communities, known and unknown.

So we invite visitors to come along and take part: materials are provided free.

There will also be little trees to take away free, leaflets about therapeutic horticultural communities, lego and craft materials and books to entertain children.

The Very Revd  Hunter Farquharson  and Kate Sainsbury are offering a service of thanksgiving for our animals – a Pet Service – in the Main Ring at 8.45 on Sunday morning, followed by an invitation to breakfast in the Game and Wildlife Conservancy Trust enclosure for all present.  The service will be broadcast throughout the show ground.