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Canon Bob Harley, Rector of St Mary’s, Kirriemuir recently visited the Dr Graham’s Homes, Kalimpong, a Boarding School mainly for under-privileged children from Kolkata situated in the Himalayas, as part of a McCabe’s Pilgrimage.

The Diocese is linked with the Diocese of Calcutta so Bob spent time with friends from the Kolkata.  The tour started in Kolkata with an introductory talk on the Homes by Bernard Brookes, a former Headmaster and Principal.  After a couple of days in Darjeeling the Group arrived in Kalimpong and on the Sunday all the clergy in the Group participated in the School’s Sunday worship when Bob read out a letter of support from the Most Revd David Chillingworth, Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church and Bishop of St Andrews, Dunkeld & Dunblane.

Following the visit to the school the Group spent some time sightseeing in Delhi and Agra including a visit tot he Taj Mahal.

Dr Graham’s legacy, begun in 1900,  continues to provide education, shelter and a safe passage through adolescence for Indian children.

For more information on the visit please go to Dr Graham’s Homes Visit 2017