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The Bishop


Bishop Ian Paton had been Rector of Old St Paul’s Church, Edinburgh since 1997 until October 2018.  He is also honorary Anglican Chaplain to Edinburgh University, Canon of St Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh and Associate Tutor at the Scottish Episcopal Institute.

He was previously a rector in East Lothian, Vice-Provost of St Mary’s Cathedral, a university chaplain in Oxford, a bishop’s chaplain, and a curate in Reading. He is a former convener of the Scottish Episcopal Church’s (SEC) provincial Liturgy Committee, involved in writing new services for the SEC, and continues to teach worship to students training for ministry. He is a supporter of the ordination of women, the rights of LGBTQI people, and the inclusion of people of all ages in the Church.

Bishop Ian Paton is married to Carrie and they enjoy art and poetry, hospitality around the dinner table and have a love of the sea.