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St Andrews Diocesan Pilgrimages 2022 

  • Rochester to Canterbury: 5th to 10th July
  • Car & Bike Pilgrimage: Killing to St Andrews: 5th to 10th September
  • Fife Pilgrim Way: 10th September


For further information click this link for the Diocesan Pilgrimage 2022 Leaflet:

Pilgrimage Leaflet 2022


Rochester to Canterbury
5th to 10th July 2022

COST (as of 29th March 2022)

(incl. return rail fares, Bed & Breakfast accommodation and cathedral tours)

Single pilgrim: £450

Pilgrim couple sharing: £800

Deposit DUE 30th APRIL: £200




Apart from breakfast, all other food and drink at own cost.

Every day there will be plenty of time to pause and visit pilgrim churches along the Way (and for rest stops in pubs!) which are all part of the pilgrimage experience.


5th July

0911 Lumo train from Edinburgh Waverley to London Kings Cross

1425 London St Pancras to Rochester

Check in at the Travelodge before exploring the city for a late lunch or last minute items to take on the pilgrimage.

1730 Evening Prayer / Evensong at the Cathedral and short ‘William’ tour


6th July

Walking from Rochester to Thurnham (9 miles)

(Evening prayer in St Mary Magdalene, Gillingham.)

Overnight stay at the Black Horse Inn, Thurnham


7th July

Walk from Thurham to Lenham (7.5 miles)

(Evening prayer in Lenham)

Overnight stay at the Dog & Bear Inn, Lenham


8th July

Walk from Lenham to Chilham (12 miles)

(Evening prayer in Chilham)

Overnight stay at the Woolpack Inn


9th July

Walk from Chilham to Canterbury (6.5 miles)

3.30pm Evening Prayer / Evensong at the Cathedral followed by a tour (maybe up to the cathedral roof space as well?)

Overnight stay in the Cathedral Gatehouse Hotel


10th July

Morning Prayer & Sung Eucharist in the Cathedral

Lunch together at Strada

1426 train from Canterbury West to London St Pancras

1613 Lumo train from London Kings Cross to Edinburgh Waverley


Car & Bike Pilgrimage from Killin to St Andrews
5th to 10th SEPTEMBER 2022

For further information please contact Rev Gennie Evans at


Highlights from the Diocesan Pilgrimage 2021

Diocesan pilgrims joined together on the Fife Pilgrim Way from Ceres to St Andrews on 10th September 2021, led by guides Revd Alasdair Coles and Nick Cooke.

The Celtic Blessing given by Revd Anne Haselhurst at the Hallow Hill stop on the pilgrimage on Friday.

Celtic Blessing – Hallow Hill FPW 2021

It was agreed that, for a variety of practical and other reasons, the planned St Andrews Pilgrimage to should be curtailed to a 1 day walk on Friday 10th September along the Ceres to St Andrews section of the Fife Pilgrim Way. This was in effect a repeat of the Pilgrimage organised in July 2018.

Diocesan Pilgrimage 2021

Booking Form 2021


Other previous pilgrimages


Season of Pilgrimage

Guided Pilgrimage by Car and Bike

SEC Save the dates – St Andrews Pilgrimage 2021

SEC – St Andrews Pilgrimage 2021 – EOI form