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Day 5

Diocesan Visit to Kolkata 2018 – day 5

Today was very special in that our morning was spent at the Arunima Hospice where much work has been done supported by our Diocese and in particular by Ross Stirling-Young, who we know will be delighted with the progress made. While there we officially opened the girls dormitory extension.

Leeanne takes up the story.

Today, (Saturday) after we got lost we in the car. We went to the Arunima Hospice which the children all have HIV/ AIDS. I was extremmly happy to see these beautiful children for the first time in person. They showed us each room including the new Girls dormitory which was great to see the improvements of it being done. Afterwords the children put on a programme of dances and songs which I enjoyed. We were each given a picture in a frame. Mines was a beautiful coloured in cross. We were also was given a red rose. I think this means that the children have HIV/AIDS. This meant so much to me. Back home in Scotland I do a lot of fundraising for the children at Arumina Hospice. This September I will be doing this years kilt walk.


After our visit we all met up at St Paul’s Cathedral, where I was dropped off for the afternoon. The Cathedral was being set up to make the set for the upper room. It was a long process but also really interesting with the projector screens clicking together like jigsaw pieces and once they were all connected the projection was though little LED lights. (See photo of setting up) During this time I had a wonder around the grounds and made connections. The director Aniket and I had a long conversation about other productions he has been involved in, and his idea to maybe have a traveling group from his school, as his profession is a secondary school drama teacher. Aniket has been to scotland and though our diocese area, and hopefully we could do a production in partnership in the future.

I also had a conversation with Shreejai who is their Diocesan youth fellowship coordinator. The set up here is very similar to our Provincial youth committee with young people taking a lead, but they have a rep from every church in the diocese.

After some food and talking outside with a group of the young people, which include showing pictures of home it was time to practice where we were sitting and the mic checks. Before getting changed into costume.

The production was really good and I got send a lot of photos from it. (See photos) A memory from the technical side of the performance was sitting down and in my ear a voice saying ‘Jesus turn your microphone on.’