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Day 4

Blog from Diocesan Visit to Diocese of Calcutta 6/04/2017 Day 4

On a stiflingly hot day we walked through the slums of Kolkata to visit 2schools and 2 Women’s projects run by the Cathedral Relief Service. This was the first time we had ventured onto the streets. Conditions are difficult for the people with whole families in one room, irregular water supply and washing and bathing only available in the street in view of everyone, men, women and children included. With traffic and bikes coming up behind you without warning and a fan and lights failure in the first school we very quickly had a taste of what life without these things is like as we felt the temperature rise.

The children in the schools were excited to see the visitors and receive some gifts from us, they sang and danced for us, video on Facebook . They performed in classes, the first class did 10 ripe mangos to the tune of 10 green bottles, we presented our gifts of pencils and rubbers for the children, post-it’s for the teachers and gave the children some shortbread we brought with us.

The women in the projects learn the skills of tailoring and embroidery and their work is sold in the shop at the Cathedral. Some lovely things were purchased for Lochgelly. It was interesting to talk with staff members who spoke English and learn that some of the teachers were former pupils of the projects.

Hannah comments that it is amazing to see how small things can make the children so happy. In one class we praised a small boys drawing skills and the look on his face was a joy to see. (See picture)

After lunch at the Cathedral Relief Service,and some long and interesting conversations, as well as the regular staff we met a few people from Derby ( the Diocese of Derby also has a link with Kolkata) who were students on placement and we enjoyed their fellowship before heading back to the hotel for a restful late afternoon before going back to the Cathedral for the final rehearsal before the performance tomorrow. Prayers for James (Jesus) P.S. below.

Liz & James


The Living the last supper rehearsal today was a stage rehearsal with mics and lights. In the already warm Cathedral it was very hot under the stage lights for nearly 2 hours. Hoping the costume is light weight.
